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Klaster Protocol Technical Summary


Klaster Protocol is a chain abstraction framework that enables the execution of complex cross-chain transaction bundles with a single user signature. It introduces a Transaction Commitment Layer between users/dApps and multiple blockchain networks, facilitating seamless interaction across different chains.

Key Concepts

1. iTx (Interchain Transaction) bundles

  • Series of (possibly dependent) transactions spanning across multiple chains
  • Represented as a Merkle Tree of UserOps
  • Defined by a unique Merkle Root hash (iTx hash)

2. Transaction Commitment Layer

  • Network of Klaster Nodes
  • Provides execution guarantees
  • Orchestrates iTx execution across multiple blockchain networks

Core Components

Smart Accounts - iTx Module

  • Standardized ERC-7579 module for smart contract accounts
  • Enables single signature approval for entire iTx bundles
  • Compatible with existing smart account wallets

Klaster Nodes


  • Estimating iTx fees & responding to quote requests
  • Committing to iTx execution
  • Executing fully signed iTx bundles

Node Selection Process:

  1. Nodes provide quotes for iTx execution
  2. User/dApp selects best quote based on cost and node reputation
  3. Selected node commits to iTx execution
  4. User signs the iTx bundle
  5. Node executes the iTx bundle

Meta Paymaster and Multichain Gas Refunds

  • Nodes act as Meta Paymasters, accepting payment in one token/chain and executing transactions across multiple chains
  • Utilizes ERC-4337 EntryPoint for UserOp routing
  • Implements gas refunds for overpaid transactions

Optimistic iTx Execution

  • Nodes determine optimal execution order through simulation
  • Executes UserOps when simulations yield 0 REVERT opcodes
  • Incentivized by diminishing success tips


  • SDK available for dApp/Wallet developers
  • Enables efficient building of chain-abstracted applications
  • Neutral approach, compatible with various bridges and AA wallet providers

Use Cases

  • Chain-abstracted versions of existing dApps (e.g., AAVE)
  • Streamlined checkout flows
  • Easier onboarding to SocialFi L2/L3 apps
  • Single-chain dApps attracting users from various chains

Security Considerations

  • Users maintain full control of funds through AA wallets
  • Nodes can be slashed for failing to execute committed iTx bundles
  • Security reduced to the security of bridges used for asset transfers between chains

Future Developments

  • Decentralization phase including slashing and multichain staking
  • Public node implementation for verification and customization
  • Potential integration with intent solver networks