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Getting started with Klaster

This is a simple tutorial demonstrating how to get started with the Klaster SDK and how to execute your first Interchain Transaction (or iTx).

Tutorial outcomes

  • The ability to pay gas in ERC20 tokens on any chain, while executing transaction(s) on any other (cross-chain gas abstraction)

  • The ability to execute multiple transcations on multiple blockchains, with a single off-chain signature


Install Klaster and viem

npm i klaster-sdk viem

Setup mock accounts

In order to get started with this tutorial, you're going to need a private key which will be able to sign the iTx hash.

const privKey = generatePrivateKey();
const account = privateKeyToAccount(privKey);

Initialize Klaster

Initialize the Klaster SDK. In order to start the Klaster SDK, you need to provide it with accountInitData. This is the information which Klaster needs to derive a counterfactural ERC4337 Smart Contract Accounts. Klaster supports various Account Vendors and you can check the supported options in the Accounts section of the docs.

// Intialize Klaster with a Biconomy account
const klaster = await initKlaster({
  accountInitData: loadBicoV2Account({
    owner: account.address,
  // NodeURL provided by the SDK is hosted by Klaster
  nodeUrl: klasterNodeHost.default,

Send assets to the Smart Contract Account

Once Klaster has derived the address of your Smart Contract Account, you need to send some assets there in order to be able to execute the iTx. These accounts are gasless - which means that you don't have to send any ETH or MATIC or other native token to them. The transaction fees can be paid in USDC, USDT, LINK, stETH and many other tokens...

Encode a test/mock transaction

For this getting started tutorial, you will encode a simple send ether transaction. The transaction sends the ether back to its sender - so it's a useless transaction. It's just meant to demonstrate how to encode an iTx

// Encode a simple transaction which sends 0.00001 of base currency. In our case - ETH
const sendETH = rawTx({
  gasLimit: 75000n,
  to: account.address, // Send back to the sender address. This is just for demo purposes
  value: parseEther("0.00001"),

Build your Interchain Transaction

Now, you have everything you need to build your Interchain Transaction. Take the sendETH transactions you've encoded and call the singleTx helper function in the steps property of the iTx.

Steps is an array of TxBatch objects. Every TxBatch object contains the following:

  • rawTx[] - an array of encoded EVM transaction to execute
  • chainId - the chain on which to execute those transactions

Every iTx contains an array of TxBatch objects.

// Build an iTx with a helper function
const iTx = buildItx({
  // Encode steps or "leaf" transactions in the iTx
  steps: [
    // Send ETH on Optimsim
    singleTx(, sendETH), 
    // Send ETH on Base
    singleTx(, sendETH)
  // Pay for tx fees on Polygon in USDC
  feeTx: klaster.encodePaymentFee(, "USDC"),

Fetch a quote from the Klaster Node

In order to execute your iTx, you must pay a Klaster Node some transaction fee. The Klaster Nodes can accept any token they like or even execute the transaction for zero payment.

// Fetch a quote from the Klaster Node. The node will respond with the
// amount of funds it'll charge to execute the transaction
const quote = await klaster.getQuote(iTx)

Signing the iTx

If you're satisfied with the quoted price by the node, you can give permission to the Klaster Node to execute the transactions contained within the iTx by signing the iTx hash with your private key.

// Sign the iTx hash with your private key. With viem, it's 
// important to use the message β†’ raw - otherwise the hash
// will be wrong
const signed = await account.signMessage({
  message: {
    raw: quote.itxHash

Exeuting the iTx

Once the user has signed the iTx - you can pass the signed hash to the node, together with the Quote - by calling the execute function on the SDK.

// Once the Node has strated executing the transaction
// it'll return the iTx hash from the execute call
const result = await klaster.execute(quote, signed)

Tracking the progress of the transaction

In order to track the progress of your executed tranaction, you can use the Klaster Explorer.

If you wish to generate explorer links - you can form the URLs like so:{iTxHash}