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Multichain Public Client

In order to achieve certain functionalities, such as fetching a unified multichain balance or encoding bridging strategies - the Klaster SDK must have the ability to read from the blockchains with which your application is interacting with.

To achieve this, the Klaster SDK counts on the MultichainClient object. This object is a simple mapping of rpcUrl to chainId. As of version 0.5.2 - the MultichainClient exposes a utility function to read the unified balance of an ERC20 token (provided by a TokenMapping object).

A multichain public client can be easily built by leveraging the buildMultichainReadonlyClient function.

const mcClient = buildMultichainReadonlyClient([
  buildRpcInfo(, 'https://optimism-rpc'),
  buildRpcInfo(, 'https://base-rpc'),
  //... add the rest of the chains